Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Another reflection

In the soft evening two days ago, I was on the way to the church after helping out at the organisation. On the road populated by the Indians, my eyes caught the sight of three elder motorcyclists as I was waiting for the green traffic light in the car. They were two Indian men and one Chinese man in between. One Indian man called out to another while the Chinese man thought he was called and greeted him. When the Chinese man found out that the Indian man was talking to another one, he looked embarrassed and moved forward so that the two men could have better conservation. Suddenly, I noticed invisible triangle shape between three men. But I did not pay much attention to it. So I went ahead and spent time in the church. When I returned home and hit the shower, the young three sprouts standing like the tree in the hole of the water tub, caught my eyes. How could they survive without the soil over there?

This morning, I was invited by the photographer to have the bubble tea because he did not have the breakfast. So my schoolmate and I went with him. Peppermint green tea tasted heavenly and refreshing. I thanked God because it helped me to kick the coffee out of my life successfully. Yes, coffee is my official enemy now.
In the afternoon, I was asked by the sculpture assistant to accompany him as he was going to shop for the facial things. So I went with him and the same schoolmate. When the school bus passed by, the students inside were waving hands furiously at us. As expected, they were greeting the sculpture assistant because he was well known as the extra in the local drama shows.
In the night, after viewing the exhibitions, I was having a dinner with the two friends. As I was walking home from the train station, it suddenly flashed in my mind. Number three! Three men, three sprouts, three of us. I did not know what I was thinking but I was thinking of God. And the verses answered me.

"Remain united to Me, and I will remain united to you. You cannor bear fruit unless you remain in Me."
(John 15:4)
"Whoever remains in Me, and I in Him, will bear much fruit for you can do nothing without me."
(John 15:5)
I was recalling that I was having a chat with the priest and new acquaintance last night. The priest remarked that I was very brave because I was deaf yet dared to pursue my desire. Again, the verses reminded me.
"Go! I am sending you like lambs among wolves."
(Luke 10:3)
"You are like salt for all mankind. You are like light for the whole world. Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in Heaven."
(Matthew 5:13,14,16)

1 comment:

Adam Pastor said...

Greetings Michael Gabriel

On the subject of the Trinity,
I recommend this video:
The Human Jesus

Take a couple of hours to watch it; and prayerfully it will aid you to reconsider "The Trinity"

Yours In Messiah
Adam Pastor