Thursday 15 November 2012


Thanksgiving soon? Thanksgiving is the holiday in America on 22nd November. 
Today's Gospel was about the ten lepers healed by Lord Jesus (Luke 17:11-19). Only one of them realized and returned to Lord Jesus to express his gratitudes. Not just that, but he also praised God at the top of his voice. Lord Jesus said, "Were not all ten made clean? The other nine, where are they? It seems that no one has come back to give praise to God, except this foreigner." (Luke 17:17-18) Has it touched you? 

For me, yes, God truly spoke to me through this Gospel. Everyone in the world is the child of God whether baptized or not, since Catholics believe that God made Heaven and earth, of all that is visible and invisible. That's why God healed all the ten lepers even though one of them was the foreigner. So no one was excluded. I was once the foreigner too and even the naughtiest child in the school and family. Yet God did not turn me away but He kept calling me. 

Like the lepers, I was healed fully. Not in physical sense, but the very real ability to hear His Voice in the Gospel and Scriptures, which I had mentioned before. Even in the future, I will repeat this testimony of His works. Like always, He gave me the responses that caught me off-guarded. Long time ago, I started to appreciate everything He gave me. Even today, I will still praise Him. I had written this before, but I will repeat: If you are not interested in prayer, it is because you fail to appreciate the Saviour who died on the piece of wood for you so as to enable you to go to Heaven! 

Why don't you take the opportunity to go for the Holy Mass daily as your thanksgiving to God? Do you really love God that you prefer Him to everything you have? Remember, we come to this world with nothing and we will leave this world with nothing. If you think you have too little, then consider the grateful leper who also had nothing when he was healed and returned to Lord Jesus, but he gave the praise to God. Saint Peter of Alcantara said, "He does much in the sight of God who does his best, be it ever so little." I think that Lord Jesus was really touched by this little gesture as He gave him the blessing, "Your faith has saved you." (Luke 17:19)

My friend wrote her thought in facebook: it is good to give thanksgiving, but it is best to give thanksliving! It is quite true because it helps us to stand faithful to God every moment of life. Oh, praise the Lord, my soul! All my being, praise His Holy Name! And never forget how Kind He is! Remember to give thanks to God for everything.

I end this post with Lord's Prayer, Angelical Salutation, Gloria Patri, and my favourite song!


Saturday 10 November 2012

Work in progress

Familiar with this gesture? Don't tell me that you are thinking of 
Gangnam Style! This is known as "work" sign in the common sign language
Being a typical adult, I found myself in the working world. Craving for adventure, I took up the job at some logistic company and experienced what it was like. Over the time period, I had a twirling mixture of emotions. Although I never like the job in the beginning, I had to stay for some reasons, and strangely developed the sentimental feeling over it. I kept myself taciturn and very focused in work as I offered up all my deeds to God in prayer. Perhaps it was best period that God blessed me so as to develop my humility, perseverance, scrupulousness, and temperance. I still remembered the quote of Saint Teresa of Avila: "The saints rejoiced at injuries and persecutions, because in forgiving them, they had something to present to God when they prayed to Him." Little wonder I felt as if I was drunk from overindulgence in happiness most of time. Recently, God gave me a miracle to turn my table around that I did not see any essentialness to stay in my job. Because of that miracle, I really felt so relieved as if my long time burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Most Holy Trinity has never failed my faith! Benedicamus Domino. Deo Gratias! Alleluia! So I resigned and am now waiting for the interview at new job. But I never feel any fear because I know God is with me. Right now, I should worry whether I am on the side of God or not. But I will still praise and love Him no matter what. I also thank Blessed Mummy and all my patrons for their intercessions. Gloria Patri, Gloria Fili, Gloria Spiritus Sancti! Amen.

At this point, I learnt that holiness could be attained in work achievements. Both holiness and love are inseparable. Because of love, Abba Father sent His only Beloved Son to redeem us, and teach us how to be holy and perfect like Him. In the past, everything was filled with misery, sorrow and fear. But now, the Lion of Judah has conquered all! Alleluia! Indeed, perfect love drives out all the fears. No wonder Lord Jesus, Blessed Mummy and all the Saints were so valorous in proclamation of the Kingdom of God.

I am content with what I have now. Even now, I am still having difficulties and trials. But nothing disturbs me because I am holding the Hands of Lord Jesus and Blessed Mummy everyday with  my watchful guardians.

Pater, in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum. Deo Gratias!