Friday 13 June 2008

A lonely warrior

It seems that everyone rejected my invitation I sent out the day before. I wanted to invite them to my exhibition which is going to be displayed on weekends of this month. Well, i'm used to it. Many times I was rejected when I invited anyone to go out with me for fun. Perhaps I was so demanding or boring guy. It's really ironic in life or perhaps humans are somehow strange. When I often was with the group, they were not very "noisy". I mean we did not talk to each other a lot or our conversations were very short. But when we had not kept in touch for long time and happened to meet each other one day, they became more friendly and kept talking to me. I'm amused at that thought. I guess that the only person I can trust is none other than God. I'll try harder to get back to the right path as He saved me before.

Right now, my body seems to be in high spirit and very energetic. Perhaps it was due to my registration I made at the language school in the afternoon the day before. I can feel the burst of excitement at the thought of the new language adding to my brain. I believe I have to take the difficult path since I have no choice. Just like all the christians facing the tests in their lives. Similarly, the road to Heaven is narrow. ".. for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction..." - (Matthew 7:13) Which means that the journey to Christ is very difficult. Yes, it's time to be more strict on myself as my time for baptism is nearer. Now, I'll never let go of my shield that is Christ. Importantly, I hope that I will be the salt and light to everyone I meet especially my family.

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Just one step

Just finished working yesterday. Of course, it was tiring. I admit that i'm getting old because my back was aching when I was working. It was different from my previous job. Maybe I was young and energetic back then. So to refreshen myself, I went to the viewing mall to admire the beautiful view. Yesterday was the fourth day of my work. All right, today is the day I'm off. The great way to relax! *laugh*

I'm going to the Comfort Driving Centre to apply for the theory lessons in the afternoon. Hopefully, they accept my application. *cross the fingers*

Lord, please bless me and be with me when I'm going to take the lessons for riding. I need the motorcycle for the transport means. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.