Tuesday 15 December 2009

High impart from the session

After a night movie three days ago, I was invited by two church friends to the prayer group organised by Youth Arise Ministry. Its activities are very similar to Charismatic Renewal Group. So next morning, I made myself ready and present for the activity after the morning mass. It consumed a lot of time yet it never failed to bore us except some of us were little tired from last day's activities. However, I learnt interesting lessons from the session. I was really glad to attend it. Otherwise, I would not be able to cherish the moments with God a lot. I learnt how to discern the heavenly messages signaled to me. As well, I was forced to think about my future planned by God. I thought of teaching the deaf children in Japan since there is no job vacancy in my hometown. But I have to rely on Holy Spirit and obey the commandments of God in order to success. It is more important to have faith in Him because He knows all my desires. Just have faith and miracles will be given.

"Real openness to the Holy Spirit is your strength and your special treasure but this gift from God is also a fragile treasure which you must take special care of." In order to effectively communicate with God, one must be effectively detached from all things and persons. Three ways to develop the discernment: prayer, reflecting scriptures and working & suffering for the Kingdom. One also has to be sensitive to the gentle promptous of the Holy Spirit. In order to have strong foundation with God, one has to hear and understand words, treasure words in heart, obey & act on words and finally bear fruits aplenty. Love is the sole motivation to listen and act on His words. The biggest obstacle to obedience to words of God is self-centred pride.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Road of Holiness

"There will be a highway there, called "The Road of Holiness." No sinner will ever travel that road; no fool will mislead those who follow it.
No lions will be there; no fierce animals will pass that way. Those whom the Lord has rescued will travel home by that road.
They will reach Jerusalem with gladness, singing and shouting for joy. They will be happy forever, forever free from sorrow and grief."
(Isaiah 35:8-10)
It was the part of yesterday's reading of the gospel. It has been inspiring me to the large extent that I poured out all my hope in God. It made me ready to give up everything and take up the cross and follow Jesus. My heart was stirring with the delight when I read, "They will be happy forever, forever free from sorrow and grief." It was because I thought that the world was too dangerous and influencing that it could chase God's love out of it. I am wondering whether I will meet the conservative person who share the same thought. Sometimes, I wish that I would meet the certain person who share the same thought so that we can help each other and pray together. But life is unfair. So it is ideal for me to stay independent.