Sunday 20 January 2008

Refreshing determination

Just one week had completed and I was satisfied enough. And my heart is burning fiercely to achieve the good results. My mind is not in the search for the perfection of everything. Just good results are enough for me. However, when I saw one girl produce the arts works which looked exactly like the master piece, I was determined to do the same. But I desired to perfect my faith in Christ. No other thing can replace God in my heart. I must not lose my stand again. Dear God, please watch out for me and keep me in the faith. Never let me put to the test but deliver me from evil one. Please do the same to my friends, acquaintances, classmates and strangers. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

I must remember my goals. I must do it that I'm able to go to Japan to pursue further studies after the graduation. As well, I must keep myself fit and strong so that I'm able to take up wrestling over there. Of course, I won't stop playing rugby here. Holy Spirit, come and fill me the fire of your love. Lead me to the truth and light. Not the earthly desires. I ask this through Christ out Lord. Amen

Friday 18 January 2008

Comments on school days

These school days really keep me busy that I have to shorten my sleeping time. But I'm glad that I choose the diploma in Fine Arts because it's worth it. I can see that I really can't keep up with the schedules because during one lesson, my class had to draw 50 sketches. I was ended up as only one who finished the 50 works. So I decide to give all my best and work harder. I'm even happier because God has been there with me all the time. Usually, my works were like a child's works. But now, i can see that my works have been improved recently. Thanks be to God. Alleluia forever and ever. Amen.

My lips and my heart will always sing the praise of your name forever and ever. Amen.

Well, another thought struck at my head. I wonder whether I should take up this job. I read that it pays really well. I could not believe my eyes when I found out. But it's very inconvenient because I have to transport the coffins with dead people inside. I thought that my parents would be against it because i knew that they are very superstitious. But this morning, I asked my mother about it. To my surprise, she had no objection. All right. I'll check it out later. God, please guide me along. When I have taken up this job, please protect me from evil spirit. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Second Day of the School

Just waking up from a short nap, I'm still feeling drowsy and sleepy. As well, I seem not to be well. The night before yesterday, I did not get a wink of sleep as I was feeling so excited and looked forward to school. Yesterday, it was exactly the first day of the school. I went there early because I expected that it would be crowded. There was a strange happening. When I reached the school from the church after the morning mass, I was sweating profusely. Perhaps, it was a hot day since I wore all black. It did not happen before. Maybe I was not feeling well. Who knows? It did not matter. At least, I enjoyed the lessons for the first day. Though I had met some familiar faces, we did not get to share the same class. However to my pleasant surprise, there was my church acquaintance and she had the same class with me. God had really answered my prayer as I was looking forward to meet Catholics in the class. It seemed that we were only Catholics in the class. Everyone looked friendly when I greeted them and introduced myself through the writings.

During the first lesson, it seemed to be more like the print making. I found it fun and challenging though I was feeling stressed. Perhaps I was too tired from the lack of sleep that I felt the attack of the stress on my body. Fortunately, everyone was helpful as well as the lecturer. After the lesson, we were having the computer lessons. We were taught how to use the photoshop in the Apple PCs. It was so fun. I was glad that I was able to use the photoshop after the lesson. However, I don't have money to buy the original photoshop. I hope that I'll be able to raise money as soon as possible.

I would like to give thanks to God for He has done excellent things for me through Christ our Lord. Honour, power and glory are yours, Abba Father, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen.

Saturday 12 January 2008

An inspiring song of worship and praise

This morning, I woke up with slight fever and cold. By then, I prayed to God for healing. Miraculously, after a while, the fever vanished and cold seemed to be less irritated. Thank you, Almighty God through Christ our Lord who lives and reigns now and forever. Amen.

Just last night, I was mugging among the songs through the Internet for the inspiration. After some times, I came across this song. It was none other than the song of praise and worship, "Gloria in Excelsis Deo". It was just a common song of worship and praise in the Sundays' masses. I chose it to be my favourite song because it always inspired me a lot and created the peace within me. There was another feeling for it but I did not know how to describe it. Perhaps it is the joy and love, isn't it? So I spent a bit of my time to memorize this song and practise it for few times. Indeed, it's a powerful song to me. Amen.

'Gloria in Excelsis Deo"
Glory to God in the highest
And peace to His people on earth
Lord God, Heavenly King, Almighty God and Father
We worship You
We give You thanks
We praise You for Your Glory

Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father
Lord God, Lamb of God
You take away the sins of the world
Lord, have mercy on us
You are seated at the right hand of the Father,
Receive our prayer

For You alone are the Holy One
For You alone are the Lord
For You alone are the Most High
Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit
In the Glory of God the Father


Friday 11 January 2008

New resolutions for this year, 2008

Good day! Finally, I got the chance to write down the blog after some times of being unable to get access to Internet. Last year was most memorable year in my life because I was experiencing the joy of love by then. It was given to me by God. Thank you, Almighty Father through Christ our Lord who lives and reigns now and forever. Amen. I put some efforts on the works of God's will and was glad to see that it worked out well. Also, I shared my testimony with others in the Charismatic Mass and it seemed to have motivated all who had heard my testimony. I rejoiced to God because of that. I was hoping that I would not have sinned again afterwards. But unfortunately, I lost the battle just now. I will try again to perverse and rely on God with all my mind, heart and strength. My God, in the name of Jesus Chrsit, have mercy on me. Please continue to protect me from evil ones. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Nehemiah retreat, Christmas Eve pagaent, Celebration of New Year and Charismatic Mass were most exciting events in my life. I hope that I would experience that joy of love again. As well, I sincerely hope that the Lord will open my ears and heal me so that I can hear. From today onwards, I will spend more time with God. Holy Spirit, be my guide all the time and never let the dragon be my guide. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Here are the new resolutions I made for myself:

1) Keep myself holy and faithful by holding fast to God's words, commandments and scriptures.
2) To do whatever is most to God's glory.
3) To do my duty for the good of mankind in general and the good of all his Church.
4) Until I die, not to act as if I were on my own, but entirely and altogether God's.
5) No more SIN for me. Should be kept pure and holy in mind, heart and body.
6) Work harder to earn more money.
7) Save money as much as possible.
8) Perfect my faith in Christ.
- Read the Gospel daily
- Pray with rosary daily
- Attend the masses everyday if I can
- Share the Good News with others
9) Put more serious efforts in the schoolworks.
10) Play less to reduce the waste of time.
11) Train harder to keep fit and strong
12) Be careful not to hurt the relationship with others.
13) Learn Japanese for my future in Japan

Dear God, please help to remind me of those plans with your Holy Spirit so that I may not offend against you. Please forgive me for I had offended against you as in the name of Jesus Christ, I forgive those who have sinned against me. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.