Thursday 29 March 2012

You're My beautiful child too.

A quick sketch from my memory. I wish I have excellent photographic memory

This afternoon, I was on the way to the destination after lunchtime Holy Mass. In the train, I spotted this couple with a child seemingly to be their daughter. Their unique aspect made them different from other families: both parents were blind whereas their daughter looked healthy and normal. Yet they were not concerned about their disabilities. Instead, they were very happy as they enjoyed each other's company in their own world. Even the blind mother took out a comb from her bag and brushed her daughter's hair while using other hand to ensure the smooth combing.This reminded me of the Holy Family during the Nativity of Child Jesus. They showed us that their happiness and joy did not depend on the materialistic joys but rather on the unconditional love they had for their Child Jesus.

I thought, "What a beautiful children You made, my God!" Suddenly, I heard, "You're My beautiful child too!" Then, I cried.

"We should love God because He is God, and the measure of our love should be to love Him without measure." - St Bernard

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Happy blessed feast day of St Benedictine (Roman Calendar 2012)

Saint Benedictine of Nursia

He is one of those saints who left me a deep impression of love for Lord Jesus.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Happy blessed feast day of Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph,
the blessed foster father of our Lord Jesus,
and blessed spouse of our Blessed Mother Mary

Although the feast day was over, I am still in the mood of honoring Saint Joseph because he had taught me how to value and put my loved ones and even those who hurt me, above me. The way how he protected and took great care of our Blessed Mother with their child, Lord Jesus, had left me a deep impression that I must protect and take great care of others as well. His humility made it alluring for me to give what I have, generously to others.

Oh, Blessed Joseph, teach me how to love all the men and women equally as my beloved brothers and sisters.

Monday 12 March 2012

The power of the Holy Rosary

"The Holy Rosary is the storehouse of countless blessings." - Blessed Alan de la Roche

I am starting to appreciate the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary because through the Holy Rosary, I came to experience the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus. It was almost real experience. What a greatest gift I have ever received from the Lord for my Lent journey. How true is the quote of Saint Louis de Montfort: "When the Holy Rosary is said well, it gives Jesus and Mary more glory and is more meritorious than any other prayer."

A great military leader of WWI, Marshal Foch wrote, "I think that I did not miss a single day in reciting it (rosary), including the most terrible times of battle when I had no rest night or day. How often did I see Her manifest intercession in the decisions which I made in choosing a precise tactic. Take, then, the advice of an old soldier seasoned by experience: Do not neglect the recitation of the Rosary for any reason."

Our Blessed Mother Mary promised,
"Devotion to My Rosary is a sign of predestination."