Yeah, I am INFJ. |
I took the personality test and found myself as INFJ. Some times ago, I defined my life as the clandestine yet austere one as I was simply seeking the artistic evocation of my spiritual inspirations in Twitter profile of mine because I found everything about me was always associated with God. Why? Because God had found me and I found Him. Yes, I concede that I am merely the human being who easily enjoys the earthly life like watching movie, playing games, drinking, reading, chatting, idling and even falling in love. But with the guide of the wise teachers, I acknowledge that I love God more than everything, even the women. As if it was the previous day, I remembered the words of the religious priest I met, "Yes, I love women, but I love God more than women." I typed the word, "clandestine" because it was tough for me to disclose and gab heart-to-heart to anyone. There was no one who could apprehend my mind beyond my physical disability. Only God, Mama Mary, my Patron Saints and Guardian Angel can comprehend me. Consequently, I became the enigma.
Sounds crazy, isn't it? That is how my mind works. |
However, would it make it requisite and obligatory for me to become the priest? Not de rigueur. Apparently, my ultimate aspirations are the holiness, the love for God, and sainthood in whatever state I am to be because God already lives within me and I live within Him. I chose to crucify and murder my erstwhile life through baptism and confirmation, and become the adopted son of God and Mama Mary. I do not mind getting married if the girl really assists me to become holy and intimate with God. I do not mind being a lifetime bachelor if my freedom really ameliorate my relationship with God. Likewise, I do not mind being a priest or religious priest if this vocation ensures my divine progress. What matters is my lifetime happiness as it is related to God's holy Will. The secret I encountered is that the deepest place of our hearts is precisely where God wants of us, corresponding to the salvation of our souls. Although I favour and have made my choice, I would like to put it on the litmus test again to see if it is authentic wish of mine or not as I am taking the undergraduate course that may widen my perspectives. I anticipate to find answer on my vocation that may shoot me straight to Paradise where I can join Mama Mary, all the choirs of celestial beings and saints to praise God for eternity.
Spiritual life in Catholic Church may look simple but is actually very deep if it's being pursued till perfection. |
My apologizes if my mystification has puzzled you. |
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