Friday 26 October 2007

A Sports' Day

In the morning, my mum took me to Sentosa all the way. I was neither excited nor nervous. Just perfectly calm as the cool water. I wore the class shirt and was looking forward to see my whole class over there. But instead of my class, I met a church friend at the tram station. I still did not find my class even when I reached the destination. I received a message from my classmate that they had arrived. But still no sight of them. So I settled down with that friend and watched the scene quietly. I was being amused and envy when I watched the other people enjoyed with each other. After a while, I finally saw my class over there. They just arrived. No wonder I could not find them earlier. Sooner, I made a move and followed them. But instead, I found my class boring and dull as they just watched the stage and did nothing much. No game activity from them. So I decided to abandon them and joined my friend again as he was taking a stroll. At the moment, I saw two classmates from China enjoyed themselves with their friends or perhaps relatives and gladness and amusement were dancing in my heart. Later, I joined some of my class again and settled down with them as I felt very bored and weary. Moreover, I was down with cold and slight fever. At the moment, I saw my China classmates again. They were going to play the playground on the sea. I wished to join them but unfortunately, I was not feeling well. Nothing much happened except some activities were going on. I was just watching the scene as the time flew. At the noon, I changed and decided to join in as my two China classmates were having fun. I was swimming in the sea and happened to taste the seawater. It was so salty. But I did not bother about it and went on playing with them. As it was almost close to one o'clock, I went to the toilet to have a shower and change. Afterwards, I made the swift move towards the tram station as my mum was waiting over there for me. By then, I realized that I had a terrible headache that I felt dizzy. So I walked quickly. As fast as the lightning.

At the moment I reached home, the pain in my head was very horrible and unpleasant. I settled down on the bed as soon as I finished showering. What a day I have!

As I was typing the blog, I could feel the excitement in my heart as I'm going to have a new air conditioner installed in my room the next day. I could not wait as I believed that it would improve my inspiration. Great way for the schoolworks. Perhaps it could also shorten the time of achievement for the fat monthly salary. *grin*

Dear God,
Thank you for the everything You have done for me. Please continue to be with me all the time and bless my family as well. So that they will not suffer anymore and will be able to see the truth in Christ. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Alleluia forever and ever. Amen.

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