This is what the marriage is for! (Marriage vocation)
When a man falls in love with a woman, both proceed to a dating season. Through dating, they get to know each other thoroughly before they decide to commit themselves for each other in marriage. When the man proposes to his girlfriend, he is inviting her to join his vocation and journey together with him towards God. Then they become one flesh through consumption of their marriage. When they manage to reach Heaven after the end of their lifetime, they will say to each other, "Thank you for saving my soul and helping me to get closer and closer to God every moment of my life." What a beautiful gift we have from God!
That's a really inspiring post. Wish more men would think this way coz it would make a woman respect a man that much more (and probably make her fall in love with him too. Haha)
Marriage is indeed the great gift from God. I almost got inclined towards the marriage. Haha.. My good sister, 1 Catholic Lady, I can assure you there are good Catholic men out there. You must remember no one is really perfect but our weaknesses can be made perfect with the help of God's graces, according to Saint Paul (2 Cor 12:9-10). I can only advise you, to be patient and keep on reverencing the Lord with all your heart, mind and strength. Seeing your strong faith, He will lead you to your true vocation eventually. Personally, I believe all three vocations (marriage, religious life and priesthood and single life) are actually all about the marriage. Husband and wife commit themselves to each other in marriage. Priests and religious people are married to God and commit themselves to care for our Holy Church. For example, St Catherine of Siena. and St Therese of Lisieux always called our Lord, their Spouse. Single people also are married to Christ and commit themselves to search for God and please Him in everything they do, as Peter Kreeft said, "Christianity is God's wedding proposal to a soul." I often heard from the seminary, "Love is a decision." So likewise, the marriage is a decision of commitment. That's why God always cares for us after deciding to commit Himself to us through our convenant! Deo Gratias! Anyway, I wish you blessed Easter always! God bless!
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