Friday, 30 May 2008

The beginning

I enjoyed myself a lot at the sculpture carnival last week. Of course, it was a pleasant surprise because I was assigned to be the instructor at the station I was assigned to. Thanks to the help of the other instructors and assistants, Not forgetting the strangers, friends and acquaintances as well. Honestly, it made me consider being the art teacher for the children. But now, I think I have to put this idea on hold because I have other plans on my hand. So many of them. Maybe I can volunteer in the children's home by teaching art. Here are the pictures of the puppets the others (including Anglo Chinese Junior College and Saint Andrew Junior College) and I created for the display.

Actually, there were more puppets on that window. But unfortunately, I had to leave early to attend the Sunday mass in the nearby church. By the time I returned, they were already gone. I could not find them around. Hopefully, they would not be dumped in the trash. Otherwise, I could take them and donate them to the children's home where they could be used.

All right. Tomorrow will be the beginning for me because I will be working on that day. Yeah, it's the first day I report to work. I hope that it will provide enough funds for my plans.I also hope that the inspiration will come back as soon as possible. There are two major events coming up next month, June. They're very important for me. Lord, guide and strengthen me through the Holy Spirit so that I can face the challenges without fear. In Jesus' name. *praying*

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Third day of the sculpture carnival

Good morning! That's what I am telling myself now. Last Thursday was the first day of the sculpture carnival. Although it was somehow difficult for me to manage it, I enjoyed myself a lot as well as I learnt something new. Patience is important during the busy moments. Otherwise, those children would not cooperate with me and learnt nothing from the sessions. What I enjoyed are not the beautiful smiles from all those pretty girls and boys. But rather I liked the children's smiles more because I felt the joy through them. Honestly, the laughter of those three children I played with strengthened and inspired me a lot that I wanted to move on despite the difficulties I always face. Not just that, I saw how the acquaintances worked with the children. That's how I learnt how to help those children. I had no problem in that because I played with my cousin when she was young last time. Another lesson is that someone learns the best when he's being very curious in the particular thing he handles. I learnt it from very active and curious boy who put everything in his works. I was amused at how he created his own puppet himself. Those children were well behaved opposite to my expectations.

Yesterday was the second day of the sculpture carnival. Again, I saw the angelic smiles from the acquaintances. My station was so busy in the morning. This time, it was easier because more helpers were assigned to my station. In the afternoon, it was less busier as there were a few people around. So to kill the time and amuse myself, I went to the other stations to try out the other works.

All right. It's time for me to end here. I look forward to the third day of the sculpture carnival. That's today. I hope to see a lot of people doing the artworks over there.

My favourite work at my station: "A little angel"

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Laziness, please go away!

It's horrible thing that we always feel in our world. Even worse, we never learnt the lesson from it! It's none other than the laziness! Since the end of term, I started feeling tired. I took it as the fatigue from the hard works. As time went by, I relaxed and enjoyed myself as usual. However, not long ago, I discovered that I was being lazy those days! Well, thankfully, I discover it early. Otherwise, I would be in trouble when the major event comes up next month. Another major event I'm having this week is the sculpture carnival. Although I don't know what will happen during the carnival, I'm getting excited over it. The first day is on today. Just four hours away.

My friend went back to China last night because he was worried about his family. I'm depressed at the thought of the recent victims in the two countries. I hope that another earthquake would never happen in China. I admit that I didn't feel anything when I was reading the news regarding the recent disasters. But now, I'm feeling a bit troubled. This way, I realize that I'm too obsessed with my own desires.

Lastly, I want the motorbike! I need it for the transport. Although my parents were against it, they allow me to apply for the motorbike license on my own if I pay with my own pocket. I guess I need to work harder and sell more and save a lot of money. Yes, I will make sure that I get my hands onto the bike!

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Fall of the storm

Finally, the storm ended last Thursday. Right after 5pm. Thankfully, the stress had been chased away from my head. No more horrible presence of the classmate in my sight. She always depressed me so much. I hope that the current holidays would loosen the tension between us. At the moment, I reached home and took a shower. Then i hit the bed and slipped away into the darkness. Beforehand, I was thinking of exploring more arts and developing my skills. I even thought of making my own website and some commission from my art works. However, when I woke up, I found out that it was in the middle of night. I wanted to start developing the works from my ideas and imaginations. However, by then I found myself too heavy to move. Maybe my body was telling me to rest since I had been having some sleepless nights during the school days. Or it had become lazy. I admit that I'm very lazy right now because my room is still in mess after tidying up halfway. There are so many works I have been wanting to do. I guess I need to take it slowly. Today, I went to NUS museum with seven people who shared common interest in the sculpture as well as the lecturer. There were a lot of excellent works on display over there. Not just the sculpture but also the paintings. Very interested. Unfortunately, I didn't bring the camera along. If i knew, I would probably bring it. It does not matter because I still remember what I have seen in that museum. After discussing the topic with my classmate, I believe that I make a right choice. Thanks be to God.